by Crescent Moon Games


1.99 usd

MECHANICSEasy to start playing, VERY HARD to master. Click to shoot a projectile out of your sword at the enemy! BREAK THROUGH THE CYCLE of rotating enemy protectors. BE FAST, BE PATIENT, BE SMART and land the final blow.SPELLSEvery battle has a random selection of might skills to assist you. PAY THE PRICE and make the best of what you can unlock.ENEMIESLOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE? Fight your way through hordes of random enemies and locations. NO ENCOUNTER IS LIKE ANOTHER. Randomized, increasing difficulty, unique enemies and mechanics with random objects speed and orientation. TEST AND IMPROVE your skillswith every new opponent.STORYUnravel the mystery of the shards and make the Pearl whole again... if you dare!SWORDSHOT is developed by Oleg Klaus